Friday, July 25, 2014


The other night when I was hanging out with my daughter and we were talking about things like two women -- (and wow, what a "revelation" my little girl is a grown up woman and I love hanging out and talking with her lol)

We came up with this animal we named a " Lird" which basically means a Lion + Bird = Lird  haha

I told her as a woman honey, you've got to be sleek, balanced and cognizant like a cat because of the fierceness of this world and you can not let this world crush you into its mold or shape you into it's ugly desire and so you also got to be open, free and honest, spread your wings and fly like a bird -- hahaha

or some such silly nonsense because I had had a few glasses of wine and some Ben and Jerry's ice cream over some tears at the time...

Anyways, then the next day I found this picture on the internet and laughed so hard and every time I think of it I smile and feel empowered for some silly reason.

Lion + Bird = Lird

Furthermore I found this reference when I looked up the word Lird on the internet:

A " lird" is a friendly name for a close friend...or at least in Liverpool it is and I love the Beatles who are from Liverpool and consider them friends as well while I'm painting and listening to their music.

 So, I decided to call my non profit...

-- "LIRDS for the ARTS" a non-profit organization --
    (Friends for the arts)

and our company moto is going to be: Coloring the world to make it a better place!

Additionally, I am going to be putting this company together and I get to work on these new arty ideas with the hopes of giving back to my community and the world by spreading art, love and empowerment with the dream of making a difference for the positive somewhere.

Together we can grow!

My bestest pal from childhood, the talented artist and photographer Catherine Beason will be working on this project with me and with a collection of additional women and artist that I have had the grand pleasure of aquireing thoughout the years of my life... we hope to be in business by the end of August or September.

Lot's of work and paint involved then in the very near future and today so please check out the developments of our first new company project....

A dedication mural honoring the great Martin Luther King Jr. in long Beach on Martin Luther King Boulevard.

Special links and pictures will be posted and updated by myself and Catherine and all of the ladies will share an empowered part of the making of it including the kids from the neighborhood.

Spread your wings and fly everyone! ... BE A LIRD! 

Catherine Beason's Images and Photographs can be seen at

Monday, July 7, 2014


 I am so happy to announce and invite you all to the “ART OF DANCE” a group exhibition featuring many great works from several artist including the talented photographer, my husband James Creighton and myself. Curated by Gloria Plascencia.

The show will open with a bang on Friday, July 18th from 6pm- 9pm at the Frame and Art Dept 950 Aviation Blvd., Hermosa Beach, CA. 90278 and will include special guest performances from tango dancer Ilona Glinarsky extraordinaire and renowned violinist Julliena Okah.

Our husband/wife team collaborated works on display will include:

  • “Mirror Dancer” 20” x 24” digital print by James Creighton
  • “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” 20” x 28” acrylic on silver gelatin print by Velvet Marshall (photo by James Creighton)
  • “Tiny Dancer” (self-portrait) 20” x 28” oil on silver gelatin print by Velvet Marshall
  • “Blue Monday” (self-portrait) 20” x 28” acrylic on silver gelatin print by Velvet Marshall

* The show continues from July 18th through August 30th 2014

Look forward to seeing you all there!